

Special Bonus: eGADS

In addition to your new e-dentity, you'll also leave here today with a free bonus: our interactive eGADS™ kit (Electronic Growth and Demographic Solutions).

Here's just a sampling of the secrets you'll discover in eGADS™:
  • Acronyms: distract an audience by abbreviating meaningless phrases into real words
  • Losing to Win: how to lose millions of dollars so your company looks like it's "investing in the future"
  • Get acquired – the fast track to your "exit strategy"
  • Talking Animals or Little Kids: which to put in your TV ads?
  • Process, process, process. Why process is more important than results.
  • How to write press releases that show your company is "dedicating the resources necessary to leverage channels effectively for future growth"
  • Get employees to trade their lives for stock options -- here's how!
  • And much more!

Now you've got all the tools you need to create a real difference in your company’s perceived value. Congratulations!

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